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February - What's On and Key February dates

We want to help you get organised every month so we're going to go live on Instagram every first weekend of the month with a list of events and a handful of cards that you might need for them. You can order on the day and then put your feet up knowing you won't have any panic buy shopping trips ahead of you.

We're also creating blog posts (here's the first!) with other dates you might want to look out for and mark.

To follow our live events simply log on to Instagram and follow us

We are going live on the first weekend of the month for 15-30 minutes. Our next lives are:

Sunday 5th February 8.30am and 7.30pm

Sunday 5th March at 8.30am and 7.30pm

Watch our February Live here!

Dates for February

6th-12th Feb - Children’s Mental Health Week

Take part in Children's Mental Health Week, and help make a difference to the lives of children and young people across the UK. Place2Be's Children's Mental Health Week 2023 will take place from 6-12 February 2023. This year's theme is Let's Connect.

Their official free resources for primary-aged and secondary-aged children and young people will help you take part in the week, which we established in 2015 to shine a spotlight on the importance of children's mental health. Activities in their resources are designed to encourage children (and adults) to consider how we can make meaningful connections that support our mental health.

Find out more here:

11th - International Day of Women and girls in science

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science, celebrated on 11 February, is marked in a number of ways, in collaboration institutions and civil society partners aim to promote women and girls in science.

This Day is an opportunity to promote full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls. Gender equality and the support of young girls, their education and their full ability to make their ideas heard are levers for development and peace. - UNESCO

Feb half term

Check out what's going on in your local area.

13th - Galentines / Palentines

Happy friends Day! A perfect time to acknowledge and celebrate friends and what they mean to you.

Let a friend know that you think they are awesome!

14th - Valentines

The day when people show their affection for another person, or people, with messages of love!

Valentine's Day is thought to have originated from a Roman festival. The Romans had a festival called 'Lupercalia' in February which was officially the start of their springtime.

It's thought that as part of the celebrations, boys drew names of girls from a box. They'd be coupled up during the festival. Later on, the church wanted to turn this festival into a Christian celebration and decided to use it to remember St Valentine. Gradually, St Valentine's name started to be used by people to express their feelings to those they loved.

17th - Random Act of Kindness Day

We're all about kindness everyday here but this day is a great excuse to spread it even further to people that you may not know, be random. Help make kindness the norm!

Find out how you can take part here:

21st - Pancake Day / Shrove Tuesday

For Christians, Shrove Tuesday marks the last day before Lent, traditionally a period of abstinence, associated with clearing your cupboards of goods such as sugar, fats, and eggs.

Traditionally, pancakes were eaten on this day to use up these foods before the 40-day fasting season of Lent began. Although the day is important in Christian tradition, Pancake Day is widely celebrated by those outside the faith - EVENING STANDARD

What do you like on your pancakes? I'm a simple lemon and sugar person myself!

Find some recipes here:

27th - International Polar Bear Day

We love our animals here and always try to find an animal awareness day in the month to acknowledge. For February it's Polar Bears.

"This year our focus is on raising funds to help protect moms and cubs, giving them the best possible chance of survival. On average, only about half of all cubs reach adulthood, with even lower survival rates in the most vulnerable populations" - POLAR BEARS INTERNATIONAL.

Find out how you can help here:

Enjoy the month, and the celebrations/occasions!

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